In today’s digital age

Dear PS 192 Families,
In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. While it offers numerous benefits, it is also essential to be aware of its potential drawbacks.
The Good:
  • Connection: Social media helps us stay connected with family and friends, no matter the distance.
  • Information: It provides a platform for staying informed about current events and educational content.
  • Community: Social media can foster a sense of community and support.
The Bad:
  • Screen Time: Excessive use can lead to less physical activity and reduced face-to-face interactions.
  • Privacy Concerns: There are risks related to privacy and the sharing of personal information.
  • Mental Health: Overuse can sometimes negatively impact mental health, leading to anxiety or depression.
To balance these aspects, we encourage families to engage in activities that do not involve screens. Here are some fun and enriching activities to enjoy together:
  • Outdoor Sports: Play basketball, soccer, or go for a family walk in the park.
  • Reading Time: Share stories or read books together.
  • Creative Arts: Engage in painting, drawing, or crafting projects.Cooking Together: Prepare a meal or bake treats as a family.
  • Exploring Nature: Visit local parks, beaches, or hiking trails.
Let’s use this summer to create beautiful memories offline, fostering deeper connections and a healthier lifestyle.